Feel Betterer Coaching is a powerful way to create the life you want though the power of laughter and learning. Our Coaching falls into two categories.




This is for people who want to transform their lives through the power of laughter, humour, fun, play and positivity. Specific strategies are designed that often open the door to new levels of happiness, energy and success.

We can all change what we think, feel and do so that we feel better, and even betterer! And not only does feeling good, well...feel good, but science now tells us that the better we feel the more likely we are to achieve our goals and turn our dreams into reality.




This is for people who want to learn the tools and techniques that will enable them to create and deliver humour effectively. Finding your unique funniness and being able to express it skillfully has major advantages.

Humour skills let you shine in all sorts of situations, such as in everyday conversations, at work meetings, at a dinner party or on a date. The ability to effectively deliver humour is also an enormous advantage for people who give presentations or need to build rapport in  sales situation.


Of course clients often have goals that require elements from both types of coaching which is absolutely fine.

"Being coached by Anthony has made it possible for me to live the life I've wanted for so long. I'm happier than I've ever been and actually achieving the results I've been dreaming about for years!" - Paul Davis


Take action today and let Feel Betterer Coaching transform your life!

Book now for a free, no obligation 30 minute coaching session with Anthony.

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